Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Birthday Month

Dear Case,
I hope you had a wonderful birthday, and that you liked your present (I'm sure you did because you have not turned it off since I gave it to you). I had fun spending the day with you and going out to dinner to Tucanos. Thanks for all you do for me and for being the best husband in the whole world. Happy Birthday!!

Case on his birthday
Case, hooking up his new T.V.

Me and Case and his birthday cake
Dear Meg,
I hope you had a great birthday (September 2, 2009)
Dear Mom and Lin,
Mom-- I'm glad we were able to celebrate your birthday with you today (September 6, 2009). It was fun spending time with the whole family.
Lin-- We hope you are having fun in Oregon, but we missed not spending the day with you and celebrating your birthday. We look forward to celebrating next week.
Me and Lin about 5 years ago in Disneyland.
Dear Jared
I know your birthday is not for a couple more weeks (September 27, 2009), but your birthday is in September, a very popular month for birthday's I guess.
**What a busy month for our family.

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